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Low Sugar fruit for PCOS

Low Sugar fruit for PCOS

Fruit is often referred to as nature's dessert due to its natural sweetness and delicious flavors. It can be a great alternative to sugary treats when trying to satisfy your sweet tooth. However, it's important to treat fruit as a dessert and not overeat it, especially considering its sugar content.

Why is fruit considered nature's dessert?

Fruit is packed with natural sugars that provide a sweet taste without the need for added sugars or artificial sweeteners. This makes it a healthier option for satisfying your cravings for something sweet.

Why is it important not to overeat fruit?

While fruit is a healthier option than many other sweet treats, it still contains sugar that can add up quickly if consumed in large quantities. Overeating fruit can lead to consuming excess calories and sugar, which may have negative effects on your  blood sugar. 

All fruits are allowed on PolyC's plan.

Focus on lower sugar fruits so that you can see best results while taking PolyC's Premium PCOS. It is recommended to eat fruit with some protein or fat ( apple with almonds or a slice of cheese).

Experiment with fruit by making fruit popsicles, smoothies, salads or on the grill!

Low Sugar Fruits









Oranges/ Tangerine

Pear/ plum

Peach/ Nectarine




HIGH  Sugar Fruits

Pineapple (darn it!)





Honey Dew Melon


Dates (gross)

All dried fruit


Which fruits will you be enjoying?

Much Love,

PolyC's Premium PCOS



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