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  • Afghanistan

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    (DZD د.ج)

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    (USD $)

  • Andorre

    (USD $)

  • Angola

    (USD $)

  • Anguilla

    (USD $)

  • Antigua-et-Barbuda

    (USD $)

  • Arabie saoudite

    (USD $)

  • Argentine

    (USD $)

  • Arménie

    (USD $)

  • Aruba

    (USD $)

  • Australie

    (USD $)

  • Autriche

    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (XOF Fr)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (BWP P)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (CVE $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (KMF Fr)

  • Congo-Brazzaville

    (XAF Fr)

  • Congo-Kinshasa

    (CDF Fr)

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    (USD $)

  • Costa Rica

    (USD $)

  • Côte d’Ivoire

    (XOF Fr)

  • Croatie

    (USD $)

  • Curaçao

    (USD $)

  • Danemark

    (USD $)

  • Djibouti

    (DJF Fdj)

  • Dominique

    (USD $)

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    (EGP ج.م)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (ETB Br)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (XOF Fr)

  • Gambie

    (GMD D)

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    (USD $)

  • Géorgie du Sud-et-les Îles Sandwich du Sud

    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (GNF Fr)

  • Guinée équatoriale

    (XAF Fr)

  • Guinée-Bissau

    (XOF Fr)

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    (USD $)

  • Guyane française

    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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  • Île Christmas

    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (SHP £)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (KES KSh)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (MWK MK)

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    (USD $)

  • Mali

    (XOF Fr)

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    (USD $)

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    (MAD د.م.)

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    (USD $)

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    (MUR ₨)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (XOF Fr)

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    (NGN ₦)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (XAF Fr)

  • République dominicaine

    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (RWF FRw)

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    (MAD د.م.)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

  • Saint-Martin

    (USD $)

  • Saint-Martin (partie néerlandaise)

    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (SHP £)

  • Sainte-Lucie

    (USD $)

  • Salvador

    (USD $)

  • Samoa

    (USD $)

  • Sao Tomé-et-Principe

    (STD Db)

  • Sénégal

    (XOF Fr)

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    (USD $)

  • Seychelles

    (USD $)

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    (SLL Le)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

  • Slovénie

    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

  • Soudan du Sud

    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (TZS Sh)

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    (XAF Fr)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

  • Territoires palestiniens

    (USD $)

  • Thaïlande

    (USD $)

  • Timor oriental

    (USD $)

  • Togo

    (XOF Fr)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

  • Trinité-et-Tobago

    (USD $)

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    (GBP £)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

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    (USD $)

  • Viêt Nam

    (USD $)

  • Wallis-et-Futuna

    (USD $)

  • Yémen

    (USD $)

  • Zambie

    (USD $)

  • Zimbabwe

    (USD $)



FDA Registered Facility

The U.S. FDA regulates food, beverages, and dietary supplements intended for consumption in the United States by humans or other animals. Because dietary supplements are foods, dietary supplement manufacturers, packers and storage facilities are subject to FDA Food Facility Registration regulations.


Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) are process, procedure and documentation guidelines for operating at an exceedingly careful and professional level. A GMP system ensures that products are consistently controlled according to quality standards, minimizing the risks involved in dietary supplement handling that cannot be eliminated through testing the final product.


Natural Products Association

 The NPA is instrumental in defining safety standards, particularly when it comes to supplement packaging guidelines.

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