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Can PCOS cause a miscarriage?

Can PCOS cause a miscarriage?
Wanna know why PCOS can lead to a high rate of miscarriage?
It's a hormonal disorder that messes with the ladies' hormones, and not in a good way. Women with PCOS often have too much of them male hormones (yeah, that's right, fellas, women got male hormones too), and not enough of the hormone they need to keep that bun in the oven baking - progesterone.
On top of that, many women with PCOS have trouble using insulin effectively, which can lead to high blood sugar levels. And that ain't good for the baby, either. Plus, a lot of ladies with PCOS are overweight, and that can also increase the risk of miscarriage. It's like a perfect storm of suck.
But hey, not all women with PCOS will have a miscarriage, and with proper care, many can have successful pregnancies. PolyC's helps increase fertility & can improve egg quality in 6 weeks!


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