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Foods to avoid with PCOS in 2023.

Foods to avoid with PCOS in 2023.

Alright, y'all, listen up! If you've got PCOS, there are some foods you might wanna steer clear of or at least limit. These foods can make some of the symptoms of PCOS worse, like weight gain and insulin resistance. It's 2023, lets get a handle on our symptoms!

First up, we got processed and sugary foods. That means things like candy, cakes, and all that good stuff. Sorry, folks, but they're gonna send your blood sugar levels through the roof and make your PCOS symptoms go haywire.

Next, we got high-carb foods. Think white bread, pasta, and rice. They can mess with your blood sugar too, so try to swap 'em out for healthier whole-grain options.

Now, here's a shocker: dairy products. Yup, some studies say that too much cheese, milk, and all that other good stuff might actually make your PCOS symptoms worse. I know, I know, it's hard to imagine life without cheese, but you might wanna cut back a bit. Think of it this way, we have a hormone imbalance and cows milk is full of *extra hormones*

Red meat is up next. Again, you don't have to cut it out altogether, but eating too much of it might make your PCOS symptoms worse. Apparently, it can cause inflammation, which is no good for folks with PCOS.

And last but not least, we got soy products. Yeah, I know soy's supposed to be healthy, but too much of it can mess with your hormone balance and make your PCOS symptoms worse.

Now, don't get me wrong, folks. There are plenty of delicious and healthy foods out there that can help manage your PCOS symptoms. But it's always a good idea to talk to a healthcare provider!


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