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Why does PCOS cause facial hair ?

Why does PCOS cause facial hair ?

You know what's crazy….
PCOS can cause facial hair on women.

Women with PCOS have high levels of androgens, which are male hormones that women also produce in smaller amounts.

So, when a woman has too much androgen, it can cause things like acne, irregular periods, and even facial hair. Yeah, you heard me right, facial hair. And I'm not talking about a few strays here and there. We're talking about full-on beards, mustaches, and sideburns. That's gotta be rough.

But don't worry, PolyC’s can help manage the symptoms of PCOS, including your hormones and reduce facial hair growth. So if you're dealing with PCOS and unwanted facial hair, talk to your doctor about your PolyC’s.
And remember, you're still beautiful, no matter what.

April, 2023


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