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Nurse Created, MD Approved

22,500+ PCOS Warriors

900+ Babies (and counting!)

22,500+ Happy Customers

PolyC's Premium PCOS Supplement

NSF Certified & Research Based, PolyC's Contains:

Myo- Inositol, D Chiro Inositol, Folate & Cinnamon

Body's Natural 40:1 Ratio

Menstrual Cycle Support

Improves Ovulation & IVF Outcomes

Blood Glucose & Insulin Resistance Control 


******In 2025 alone, PolyC's has been instrumental in helping over 900 women conceive their rainbow babies.******

The benefits of PolyC's premium inositol blend are extensive and unique. Designed to support and foster optimal hormonal balance, this supplement has a broad range of advantages that make it an ideal addition to your health regimen. Here's why:

Clinically Proven PCOS Support: PolyC's 40:1 Myo-Inositol and D Chiro Inositol Blend is designed to support hormone regulation, helping you regain control over your menstrual cycles and enhance fertility while providing relief from the symptoms of PCOS

Fertility and Conception Aid: For women seeking to boost their reproductive health, this supplement aids in improving ovarian function. It can be a beneficial tool for those experiencing fertility issues. Our Fertility focused ingredients are specifically chosen to support ovarian health, improve egg quality and enhance your chances of conception naturally. 

Natual Weight Management: Combat PCOS-related weight gain with PolyC's Premium PCOS. Our unique formula, enriched with organic cinnamon bark and Folate, aids in Metabolism Support and Weight Loss, Making it easier for you to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. 

All-Natural Ingredients: We believe in using only the best ingredients. Our blend is all-natural, making it safe and healthy for regular consumption.

Reduces Acne & Unwanted Hair: Say Goodbye to Androgen-related issues like acne and unwanted hair growth. Our powerful supplement acts as a natural Androgen Blocker, promoting Clearer and smoother skin.

Clear, Veggie Capsule: For those with dietary restrictions, our veggie capsules are a suitable option. The clear capsules allow you to see exactly what you're consuming - a quality, all-natural blend.

High-Quality, Research-Based Vitamins: Every vitamin in our blend is research-backed. This means that each one has been extensively studied and proven to provide health benefits.

Dye Free & Gluten Free: Free from artificial dyes and gluten, this supplement is ideal for individuals with specific dietary needs or allergies.

GMP  & NSF Certified: Our products are GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) certified, indicating the high standards we maintain in our manufacturing processes.

Nurse Created, MD Approved: Our blend is not just a random concoction of vitamins. It's been created by professional nurses and approved by doctors, making it a trusted choice.

At its core, PolyC's superior inositol blend provides an all-natural, holistic solution for hormone regulation, reproductive wellness, and fertility enhancement. This formula reflects our unwavering commitment to delivering quality, effective, and safe solutions for our users.



Nutrient Amount Per Serving % DV
Folate 833.33 mcg DFE (500 mcg Folic Acid) 208%
Inositol 2 g
Organic Cassia Bark Powder 500 mg
D-Chiro Inositol 50 mg
† Daily Value not established

How do I take Poly C's?

Take 4 capsules with breakfast. Capsules may be opened and poured into a hot or cold beverage if needed. Skipping breakfast may worsen PCOS symptoms 

Can I take this with other RX?

Yes, you can safely combine with other RX. Always consult your MD before starting any new supplements. Do not combine PolyC's with other supplements with the same ingredients. 

You may safely combine with Metformin & Birth Control. 

Are there side effects?

Yes, thousands of women have reported weight loss and increased libido. Our supplement does not provide the awful effects similar to Metormin.

When will I get pregnant?

We have helped over 900 women conceive! Everyone will see results differently. Most women become pregnant on PolyC's  in 3-12 months.

It generally takes at least 3 months of daily use to notice menstrual benefits & at least 6 months to notice skin and hair benefits. PolyC's may improve egg quality in 6 weeks. 

How long should I take Poly C's?

PolyC's is safely designed for long term use. It generally takes at least 3 months of daily use to notice menstrual benefits & at least 6 months to notice skin and hair benefits. PolyC's may improve egg quality in 6 weeks. 

Increases Fertility

Manages Hormones

Improves Ovulation

Pain-Free Cycles

How Poly C's Fixes Your PCOS Naturally

We use cinnamon to replace Metformin. You get the benefits without the side effects . Our formula helps with hormone balance & lowering androgens that cause facial hair.

Four Recommended Vitamins All In One!

We combine the four most recommended vitamins in our small, easy-to-swallow pills, including Inositol, D Chiro Inositol, Folate, and Cinnamon

100% Goodness

Rest assured that our supplement is 100% vegan and cruelty free. We've gone out of our way to make sure the manufacturing process is Dye Free and Gluten Free. 

No More Metformin

Poly C's is Nurse Created, and MD Approved, which means you can stop paying for pricey metformin and enjoy our all-in-one PCOS support. 


Your Family Is Our Priority

3 Months of Taking Folate + Inositol induced ovulation in 62% of women with PCOS (NIH, 2024)

Every bottle of PolyC's is designed for your PCOS management & fertility

Nurse Created, MD Approved

Made in the USA

Vegan & Kosher

NSF Certified

Improves Ovulation

Encourages Full Term Pregnancy

Enhances Egg Quality

Manage PCOS & Get Pregnant!






$1 a Day


$3 A DAY

Lowers Insulin

Regulates Menstrual Cycle

Improves Egg Quality

Increases Fertility


No Side Effects

I'm Ready for My Miracle!

Hear from Our PCOS Warriors

Trusted By More Than 21,500 Women

Join These Women in Taking Back Control—Get Poly C’s Today

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Based on 228 reviews
2nd Pregnancy

I love these they give me energy and I was diagnosed with PCOS when I 19 since I’ve been taking this is my second pregnancy in one year my son is 7 months and I am 7 weeks pregnant today to my surprise didn’t expect them to work this good but they do

Can’t wait to try this product

PolyC's Premium PCOS Supplements - 3 Month Supply

Positive ovulation test

Hi. I was diagnosed with insulin resistance PCOS. Working with my ob she suggested I take metformin which I was against at 1st. I received the 500mg ER DOSE of metformin to take once a day with breakfast. I had done some research on the PolyC’s which I had already placed in my mind to take over the metformin. After reading everything I ordered a 3 mnt supply. I have been taking them both together for a mnt now. My doctor wanted me to track ovulation for 3mnts. In the mnt of December I had a negative ovulation test. In the mnt of January I finally received a positive ovulation test. I was so excited. My husband and I have been trying to conceive for a few years now. I took two and they were positive. I use the Flo app and after my ovulation days were over I tested again and nothing popped up. I knew the test was true. I take one metformin and 4 polyC as instructed every morning. No side effects. I also was told I had a pile up on my overies and after using the polyC along with the metformin. I have no pain and my cycle has came early and on time. It’s been a healthy flow as well. I would recommend ANYONE to take PolyC’s. I do not like taken meds and these are vegan and easy to take. If you will like results in your fertility journey. This is the best supplement on the market. I am 35 years old. Thank you!

Thank you for your review!

Life Saver

Completely love this product!

Amazing products

I’ve been taking this supplement for about 3 weeks. Huge improvement already on my acanthosis nigricans!! I’ve always been told to lose at least 5% of my body weight and it’ll probably go away….well with PCOS that’s not so easy. I’m so excited to see my skin returning to normal!! The pills have no side effects. On my way to purchase another bottle!

Good product

Fast shipping, I'm doing auto renew so I don't have to worry about missing doses

PolyC's Premium Hormone Balance PCOS Supplement

They help with my pcos and I am praying they for one more or two miracle babies.

Thank you for your review!

Been struggling with PCOS for quite awhile and have tried several supplements so was skeptical. My cycle has been off for several months, but after not even finishing the first bottle my period started back up. Will definitely keep taking these.

Thank you so much for your review!

It’s wonderful!!

I was told I couldn’t ovulate for many years. On my 2nd bottle, 1st ovulation test that showed I am!!!! Thank you so much!!!

I very pleased they came faster then. Expected. It’s a great product and it helps

Thank you for your review of PolyC's!

PolyC's Premium PCOS Supplements - 3 Month Supply


I have been using this product for almost 2 years. And it has completely changed my life. It is the BEST product for PCOS on the market. Aside from the product Jessica is superb!!

Thank you so much for your review!

PolyC's PCOS Coach
Katherine Wagar

The coaching session was wonderful! She made me feel supported and not alone in my journey. I fully recommend getting the coaching session if you can!!

Great product.

Works really well

Excellent Supplement

Since I began taking this supplement it’s been a game changer for my PCOS symptoms. I used to get very bad period pain and thanks to PolyCs the pains have lessened a great amount!! I’ve recommended to many of my Cysters (:

PolyC's Premium PCOS Supplement
Mildred Miguel-Perez
Amazing Inositol supplement

I have tried other inositol supplements in the past but it was cassia cinnamon powder that convinced me to try this one as not only do I have insulin resistant Pcos, but i have been diagnosed with pre-diabetes. I have tried it for a full three months with maybe a day or two skipped. In these 3 months I got my period back after two months of taking the supplement, and i had my first predictable on-time period 4 weeks later. My cravings have reduced and i find myself feeling more energetic and clear headed. I also got my first faint positive line last week that resulted in a chemical pregnancy, nonetheless that has never happened before and this supplement has given me something I thought i lost which is hope. Hope that my body is getting ready and I will have my first child soon. I highly recommend this supplement.

Fast shipping. One of the best products I've found to help manage my pcos

Thank you for your review of PolyC's!

Helps balance hormones

Thank you for your review of PolyC's!

Been taking these for about 2 weeks now and I already have energy and I can see a different in my facial hair growth. Can’t wait to see results in 3 months!

This product is amazing for Pcos

price raise

I purchased them many times only reason I won’t purchase is the price raise there not many pills in the bottle. and if your take 4 it’s a lot almost 40$ for this in this economy is ridiculous

This is a very good product

Start PolyCs Today!

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