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PolyC's Premium PCOS Supplement


******In 2024 alone, PolyC's has been instrumental in helping over 800 women conceive their rainbow babies.******

The benefits of PolyC's premium inositol blend are extensive and unique. Designed to support and foster optimal hormonal balance, this supplement has a broad range of advantages that make it an ideal addition to your health regimen. Here's why:

Clinically Proven PCOS Support: PolyC's 40:1 Myo-Inositol and D Chiro Inositol Blend is designed to support hormone regulation, helping you regain control over your menstrual cycles and enhance fertility while providing relief from the symptoms of PCOS

Fertility and Conception Aid: For women seeking to boost their reproductive health, this supplement aids in improving ovarian function. It can be a beneficial tool for those experiencing fertility issues. Our Fertility focused ingredients are specifically chosen to support ovarian health, improve egg quality and enhance your chances of conception naturally. 

Natual Weight Management: Combat PCOS-related weight gain with PolyC's Premium PCOS. Our unique formula, enriched with organic cinnamon bark and Folate, aids in Metabolism Support and Weight Loss, Making it easier for you to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. 

All-Natural Ingredients: We believe in using only the best ingredients. Our blend is all-natural, making it safe and healthy for regular consumption.

Reduces Acne & Unwanted Hair: Say Goodbye to Androgen-related issues like acne and unwanted hair growth. Our powerful supplement acts as a natural Androgen Blocker, promoting Clearer and smoother skin.

Clear, Veggie Capsule: For those with dietary restrictions, our veggie capsules are a suitable option. The clear capsules allow you to see exactly what you're consuming - a quality, all-natural blend.

High-Quality, Research-Based Vitamins: Every vitamin in our blend is research-backed. This means that each one has been extensively studied and proven to provide health benefits.

Dye Free & Gluten Free: Free from artificial dyes and gluten, this supplement is ideal for individuals with specific dietary needs or allergies.

GMP Certified: Our products are GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) certified, indicating the high standards we maintain in our manufacturing processes.

Nurse Created, MD Approved: Our blend is not just a random concoction of vitamins. It's been created by professional nurses and approved by doctors, making it a trusted choice.

At its core, PolyC's superior inositol blend provides an all-natural, holistic solution for hormone regulation, reproductive wellness, and fertility enhancement. This formula reflects our unwavering commitment to delivering quality, effective, and safe solutions for our users.


Girl in a jacket
Girl in a jacket
Girl in a jacket
Top 4 most vital vitamins for PCOS"
Girl in a jacket
Inositol & D Chiro:
OPTIMAL 40:1, the body's natural ratio. Created to support hormone balance, regular cycles, and ovarian function. provide relief to PCOS symptoms like irregular cycles, acne, unwanted facial hair, mood swings & infertility.
Girl in a jacket
Improves skin appearance & mood. Makes inositol & D Chiro more potent. Folate is suitable for women with the MTHFR gene
Girl in a jacket
reduce bloating & inflammation, increase metabolism, keep blood sugar stable to lose weight ( even with stubborn insulin resistance)

Girl in a jacket

Take 4 capsules daily with breakfast,. Capsules may be opened if needed and poured in to any beverage hot or cold. Best results are seen in 3 months with continuous use. If you are taking PolyC's to promote healthy egg quality, take consistently for at least six weeks. * Skipping breakfast with PCOS may increase cortisol which leads to an increase in belly & facial fat. *

Girl in a jacket

Doctors love this formula because multiple studies have proven it to be most effective.

******In 2024 alone, PolyC's has been instrumental in helping over 800 women conceive their rainbow babies.******

The benefits of PolyC's premium inositol blend are extensive and unique. Designed to support and foster optimal hormonal balance, this supplement has a broad range of advantages that make it an ideal addition to your health regimen. Here's why:

Clinically Proven PCOS Support: PolyC's 40:1 Myo-Inositol and D Chiro Inositol Blend is designed to support hormone regulation, helping you regain control over your menstrual cycles and enhance fertility while providing relief from the symptoms of PCOS

Fertility and Conception Aid: For women seeking to boost their reproductive health, this supplement aids in improving ovarian function. It can be a beneficial tool for those experiencing fertility issues. Our Fertility focused ingredients are specifically chosen to support ovarian health, improve egg quality and enhance your chances of conception naturally. 

Natual Weight Management: Combat PCOS-related weight gain with PolyC's Premium PCOS. Our unique formula, enriched with organic cinnamon bark and Folate, aids in Metabolism Support and Weight Loss, Making it easier for you to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. 

All-Natural Ingredients: We believe in using only the best ingredients. Our blend is all-natural, making it safe and healthy for regular consumption.

Reduces Acne & Unwanted Hair: Say Goodbye to Androgen-related issues like acne and unwanted hair growth. Our powerful supplement acts as a natural Androgen Blocker, promoting Clearer and smoother skin.

Clear, Veggie Capsule: For those with dietary restrictions, our veggie capsules are a suitable option. The clear capsules allow you to see exactly what you're consuming - a quality, all-natural blend.

High-Quality, Research-Based Vitamins: Every vitamin in our blend is research-backed. This means that each one has been extensively studied and proven to provide health benefits.

Dye Free & Gluten Free: Free from artificial dyes and gluten, this supplement is ideal for individuals with specific dietary needs or allergies.

GMP Certified: Our products are GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) certified, indicating the high standards we maintain in our manufacturing processes.

Nurse Created, MD Approved: Our blend is not just a random concoction of vitamins. It's been created by professional nurses and approved by doctors, making it a trusted choice.

At its core, PolyC's superior inositol blend provides an all-natural, holistic solution for hormone regulation, reproductive wellness, and fertility enhancement. This formula reflects our unwavering commitment to delivering quality, effective, and safe solutions for our users.


Girl in a jacket
Girl in a jacket
Girl in a jacket
Top 4 most vital vitamins for PCOS"
Girl in a jacket
Inositol & D Chiro:
OPTIMAL 40:1, the body's natural ratio. Created to support hormone balance, regular cycles, and ovarian function. provide relief to PCOS symptoms like irregular cycles, acne, unwanted facial hair, mood swings & infertility.
Girl in a jacket
Improves skin appearance & mood. Makes inositol & D Chiro more potent. Folate is suitable for women with the MTHFR gene
Girl in a jacket
reduce bloating & inflammation, increase metabolism, keep blood sugar stable to lose weight ( even with stubborn insulin resistance)

Girl in a jacket

Take 4 capsules daily with breakfast,. Capsules may be opened if needed and poured in to any beverage hot or cold. Best results are seen in 3 months with continuous use. If you are taking PolyC's to promote healthy egg quality, take consistently for at least six weeks. * Skipping breakfast with PCOS may increase cortisol which leads to an increase in belly & facial fat. *

Girl in a jacket

Doctors love this formula because multiple studies have proven it to be most effective.

Customer Reviews

Based on 182 reviews
Marlene Gomez

PolyC's Premium Hormone Balance PCOS Supplement

Leslie Zapata

They help with my pcos and I am praying they for one more or two miracle babies.

Thank you for your review!

Taylor Donald

Been struggling with PCOS for quite awhile and have tried several supplements so was skeptical. My cycle has been off for several months, but after not even finishing the first bottle my period started back up. Will definitely keep taking these.

Thank you so much for your review!

Heather M.
It’s wonderful!!

I was told I couldn’t ovulate for many years. On my 2nd bottle, 1st ovulation test that showed I am!!!! Thank you so much!!!

Jessica Hock/Modicare Transportation

I very pleased they came faster then. Expected. It’s a great product and it helps

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