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Logo Baby Bib


Introducing "PolyC's Rainbow Catchers", the adorable and essential accessory for your little one's mealtime adventures. These premium bibs are crafted with care, providing a soft and absorbent barrier to keep your baby clean and comfortable while adding a touch of charm to their outfits.

Each bib comes with a secure velcro closure, allowing a snug fit for babies and toddlers of all sizes. Generously sized, "PolyC's Rainbow Catchers" offer excellent coverage, guarding your little one's clothes against any mealtime messes.

But these bibs carry more than just functional value; they hold a heartfelt story. The featured rainbow emblem serves as a symbol of hope, renewal, and joy, echoing the journey many women undergo in their fight against infertility. Each color signifies a different emotion experienced throughout this journey, ranging from the blues of sadness and grief to the greens of growth and healing.

In 2023 alone, PolyC's has been instrumental in helping over 500 women conceive their rainbow babies. Every "PolyC's Rainbow Catcher" bib is a celebration of this success, carrying the promise of new beginnings and joy after a challenging journey.

Embrace the joy and hope embodied by our "PolyC's Rainbow Catchers" - a loving, practical addition to your baby's essentials.

n conceive their rainbow baby.

Regenerate response
Girl in a jacket
Girl in a jacket
Girl in a jacket
Top 4 most vital vitamins for PCOS"
Girl in a jacket
Inositol & D Chiro:
OPTIMAL 40:1, the body's natural ratio. Created to support hormone balance, regular cycles, and ovarian function. provide relief to PCOS symptoms like irregular cycles, acne, unwanted facial hair, mood swings & infertility.
Girl in a jacket
Improves skin appearance & mood. Makes inositol & D Chiro more potent. Folate is suitable for women with the MTHFR gene
Girl in a jacket
reduce bloating & inflammation, increase metabolism, keep blood sugar stable to lose weight ( even with stubborn insulin resistance)

Girl in a jacket

Take 4 capsules daily with breakfast,. Capsules may be opened if needed and poured in to any beverage hot or cold. Best results are seen in 3 months with continuous use. If you are taking PolyC's to promote healthy egg quality, take consistently for at least six weeks. * Skipping breakfast with PCOS may increase cortisol which leads to an increase in belly & facial fat. *

Girl in a jacket

Doctors love this formula because multiple studies have proven it to be most effective.

Introducing "PolyC's Rainbow Catchers", the adorable and essential accessory for your little one's mealtime adventures. These premium bibs are crafted with care, providing a soft and absorbent barrier to keep your baby clean and comfortable while adding a touch of charm to their outfits.

Each bib comes with a secure velcro closure, allowing a snug fit for babies and toddlers of all sizes. Generously sized, "PolyC's Rainbow Catchers" offer excellent coverage, guarding your little one's clothes against any mealtime messes.

But these bibs carry more than just functional value; they hold a heartfelt story. The featured rainbow emblem serves as a symbol of hope, renewal, and joy, echoing the journey many women undergo in their fight against infertility. Each color signifies a different emotion experienced throughout this journey, ranging from the blues of sadness and grief to the greens of growth and healing.

In 2023 alone, PolyC's has been instrumental in helping over 500 women conceive their rainbow babies. Every "PolyC's Rainbow Catcher" bib is a celebration of this success, carrying the promise of new beginnings and joy after a challenging journey.

Embrace the joy and hope embodied by our "PolyC's Rainbow Catchers" - a loving, practical addition to your baby's essentials.

n conceive their rainbow baby.

Regenerate response
Girl in a jacket
Girl in a jacket
Girl in a jacket
Top 4 most vital vitamins for PCOS"
Girl in a jacket
Inositol & D Chiro:
OPTIMAL 40:1, the body's natural ratio. Created to support hormone balance, regular cycles, and ovarian function. provide relief to PCOS symptoms like irregular cycles, acne, unwanted facial hair, mood swings & infertility.
Girl in a jacket
Improves skin appearance & mood. Makes inositol & D Chiro more potent. Folate is suitable for women with the MTHFR gene
Girl in a jacket
reduce bloating & inflammation, increase metabolism, keep blood sugar stable to lose weight ( even with stubborn insulin resistance)

Girl in a jacket

Take 4 capsules daily with breakfast,. Capsules may be opened if needed and poured in to any beverage hot or cold. Best results are seen in 3 months with continuous use. If you are taking PolyC's to promote healthy egg quality, take consistently for at least six weeks. * Skipping breakfast with PCOS may increase cortisol which leads to an increase in belly & facial fat. *

Girl in a jacket

Doctors love this formula because multiple studies have proven it to be most effective.

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