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Managing PCOS Naturally: A Doctors Recommendation for PolyC's Premium PCOS

Managing PCOS Naturally: A Doctors Recommendation for PolyC's Premium PCOS

12 days ago
Written by Jessica Harrison
 Recently, I had the privilege of witnessing firsthand how a doctor at OBGYN South recommended PolyC's Premium PCOS to one of our patients struggling with PCOS—a solution that made a remarkable difference in just two weeks.
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Red Light Therapy for PCOS

Red Light Therapy for PCOS

Written by Jessica Harrison
 Red light therapy, with its ability to improve insulin sensitivity, reduce inflammation, and support hormonal balance, may just be the missing piece with your PolyC's regimen! 
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POLYCS- A natural remedy for PCOS

POLYCS- A natural remedy for PCOS

Written by Jessica Harrison
PCOS doesn’t have to control your life. With the right support, you can manage your symptoms and reclaim your well-being. PolyC’s Premium PCOS is here to help you on that journey, offering a natural, effective solution to some of the most challenging symptoms of PCOS.
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Understanding PCOS Symptoms

Understanding PCOS Symptoms

Written by Jessica Harrison
Understanding PCOS symptoms is crucial to managing this common hormonal disorder that affects 1 in 5 women. Learn about signs and symptoms from a nurse who struggled with PCOS before creating PolyC's Premium PCOS- Amazon's Choice for Best PCOS Supplement. 
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Doctor Approved PCOS Supplement: Managing PCOS with PolyC's

Doctor Approved PCOS Supplement: Managing PCOS with PolyC's

Written by Jessica Harrison
As a nurse, I've dedicated my career to helping women navigate the complexities of their health, ...
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Steps for Testing for PCOS

Steps for Testing for PCOS

Written by Jessica Harrison
 Steps for Testing for PCOS: A Nurse’s GuidePolycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a common health i...
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Understanding Diminished Ovarian Reserve: A Caring Nurse’s Guide

Understanding Diminished Ovarian Reserve: A Caring Nurse’s Guide

Written by Jessica Harrison
   What is Diminished Ovarian Reserve?Diminished Ovarian Reserve (DOR) is a condition where the n...
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A New PCOS Study 2024

A New PCOS Study 2024

Written by Jessica Harrison
  Discover this recent study for PCOS patients! Learn how cinnamon can aid in significant weight ...
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The Best PCOS Treatment for PCOS Symptoms

The Best PCOS Treatment for PCOS Symptoms

Written by Jessica Harrison
Living with PCOS can be challenging, but there are ways to manage the symptoms and improve your q...
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Being a PCOS Advocate for Health and PCOS Awareness

Being a PCOS Advocate for Health and PCOS Awareness

Written by Jessica Harrison
Have you ever faced challenges with your PCOS that seemed impossible?  Meet Jessica, a Registered...
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How to lose weight with PCOS

How to lose weight with PCOS

Written by Jessica Harrison
Living with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) can make weight loss feel like an uphill battle. T...
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What is high DHEA

What is high DHEA

Written by Jessica Harrison
  High DHEA: Exploring the Causes, Recognizing the Symptoms, and Evaluating Treatment Alternative...
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Reducing cramps with PCOS

Reducing cramps with PCOS

Written by Jessica Harrison
Eating cherries during your period can be a good idea due to their nutritional content and potent...
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Sharing my story at  PCOS CON

Sharing my story at PCOS CON

Written by Jessica Harrison
Attending PCOS Con is always a deeply enriching experience for me. It's more than just a conferen...
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Appetizers, Salads, and Sides for PCOS

Appetizers, Salads and sides for PCOS

Written by Jessica Harrison
Appetizers, Salads, Recipes and Sides for PCOS.Lettuce Wraps Sweet potato fries Bell Peppers with...
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PolyC's & strawberries for PCOS

Strawberries for PCOS

Written by Jessica Harrison
Are you looking to improve your fertility naturally? Look no further than strawberries and PolyC'...
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Best Condiments for PCOS

Best Condiments for PCOS

Written by Jessica Harrison
The use of condiments can elevate the flavor of meals without compromising your PCOS health goals...
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Milk Alternative for PCOS

Milk Alternative for PCOS

Written by Jessica Harrison
Milk is FULL of hormones!! Milk naturally contains estrogen and progesterone in small amounts.  W...
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Best Oil & Fats for PCOS

Best Oils & Fats for PCOS

Written by Jessica Harrison
Oils and FatsOils may be used for cooking or as salad dressings. Acceptable oils includeolive, co...
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Nuts and Seeds for PCOS

Nuts and Seeds for PCOS

Written by Jessica Harrison
Nuts and SeedsNuts and seeds give us healthy fats and can be the perfect additions to mealsand sn...
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Tips for choosing safe & high-quality PCOS Supplements

Tips for choosing safe & high-quality PCOS Supplements

Written by Jessica Harrison
Choosing safe and high-quality supplements for managing PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) is cruci...
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PCOS Entree Ideas

PCOS Entree Ideas

Written by Jessica Harrison
PCOS Meal Ideas Entrees Lasagna (replace noodles with sliced eggplant and zucchini) Steak and sau...
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Low Sugar fruit for PCOS

Low Sugar fruit for PCOS

Written by Jessica Harrison
Fruit is often referred to as nature's dessert due to its natural sweetness and delicious flavors...
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Can PCOS cause brain fog?

Can PCOS cause brain fog?

Written by Jessica Harrison
In the realm of women's health, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) stands as a significant concern,...
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Depression & anxiety are common with PCOS

Depression & anxiety are common with PCOS

Written by Jessica Harrison
 Prioritizing Mental Health: A Vital Component of PCOS Care  While PCOS is commonly associated wi...
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100 foods that increase fertility

100 foods that increase fertility

Written by Jessica Harrison
Foods that increase fertility   Did you know that there are certain foods that can help increas...
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Why PolyC's uses Inositol

Why PolyC's uses Inositol

Written by Jessica Harrison
All women with PCOS can benefit from inositol because of the fact that we are all deficient in th...
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Unlock Your Best Body: PolyC's PCOS Supplement

Unlock Your Best Body: PolyC's PCOS Supplement

Written by Jessica Harrison
   PCOS is a complex hormonal disorder that affects millions of women worldwide, often causing we...
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How Our Vegan Supplement Helped Create 500 PCOS Babies

How Our Vegan Supplement Helped Create 500 PCOS Babies

Written by Jessica Harrison
   Today, we share the remarkable story behind our vegan supplement, PolyC's Premium PCOS.  A pro...
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Shaving your face due to PCOS?

Shaving your face due to PCOS?

Written by Jessica Harrison
PCOS can cause facial hair on women. Women with PCOS have high levels of androgens (testosterone)...
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30 PCOS Meals

30 PCOS Meals

Written by Jessica Harrison
I know you see the burger, but it’s all about portions and limiting ourselves from fatty foods 😂 ...
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The top causes of inflammation in PCOS

The top causes of inflammation in PCOS

Written by Jessica Harrison
First, what is inflammation? Inflammation itself is life saving, for example, if a bee stings you...
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How to show infertility support

How to show infertility support

Written by Jessica Harrison
Here are some important ways to show love and support to those struggling with infertility. First...
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The best PCOS supplement, no fake stuff!

The best PCOS supplement, no fake stuff!

Written by Jessica Harrison
Are you tired of supplements filled with mysterious dyes, plastics, and fillers? Look no further,...
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National Infertility Awareness Week 2024

National Infertility Awareness Week 2024

Written by Jessica Harrison
National Infertility Awareness Week 2024As we observe National Infertility Awareness Week, we are...
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When do vitamins work?

When do vitamins work?

Written by Jessica Harrison
Are you struggling with PCOS? The fatigue, weight gain, and the list goes on & on. PCOS is a ...
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