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Sharing my story at PCOS CON

Sharing my story at  PCOS CON

Attending PCOS Con is always a deeply enriching experience for me. It's more than just a conference; it's a community of women coming together to share, learn, and support one another through the ups and downs of living with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). This year, I found myself reflecting on my own journey and how it has shaped my life.

 Sharing My Struggles

Living with PCOS can feel like an ongoing battle. The weight gain, the irregular periods, the acne, and, perhaps most heart-wrenching of all, the infertility struggles. I've always been open about my experiences because I believe in the power of shared stories. Discussing my journey with others at PCOS Con is incredibly cathartic. It reminds me that I'm not alone and that there's a collective strength in our community.

When I first started experiencing symptoms, I felt overwhelmed and isolated. It wasn't just the physical symptoms that took a toll; it was the emotional burden of feeling like my body was betraying me. Over the years, I’ve learned to manage these symptoms better, but the journey hasn’t been easy.

Discovering PolyC’s

One of the highlights of PCOS Con is learning about new ways to manage PCOS symptoms. This year, I was particularly excited to talk about PolyC’s, a vegan supplement that has made a significant difference in my life. PolyC’s helps manage PCOS naturally, offering an alternative to the hormonal treatments that can often come with undesirable side effects. PolyC's is the vitamin version of metformin and contains the traditional Inositol & D Chiro ratio.


I created  PolyC’s after reading about inositol & cinnamon benefits and was amazed at the results. It helped regulate my periods, improved my skin, and made managing my weight a bit easier. Sharing my experience with PolyC’s at the conference and hearing similar stories from other women reinforced my belief in the importance of natural and holistic approaches to managing PCOS.

 Turning Struggles into Strength

My struggle with infertility was one of the most challenging aspects of my PCOS journey. After years of trying and countless treatments, I felt defeated. But instead of letting it break me, I decided to channel my pain into something positive. I started a business aimed at helping women like myself navigate the complexities of PCOS and infertility.

 Building a Community

One of the most empowering aspects of attending PCOS Con is the sense of community. It's a place where we can be vulnerable and honest about our struggles without fear of judgment. We share tips, offer support, and celebrate each other's victories, no matter how small.

Last year I attended PCOS CON in Texas & California, where we discussed the emotional impact of PCOS. We talked about everything from the frustration of dealing with symptoms to the stress of infertility treatments. It was a safe space for everyone to express their feelings and support each other. Moments like these remind me of the importance of connection and the power of shared experiences.

 Looking Forward

Every time I leave PCOS Con, I feel more hopeful and empowered. The knowledge I gain and the connections I make fuel my passion for helping other women navigate their PCOS journey. Whether it's through sharing the benefits of PolyC’s or offering a shoulder to lean on, I am committed to making a difference.

PCOS Con is a beacon of hope for many of us. It's a reminder that we are not alone and that together, we can overcome the challenges that PCOS throws our way.

If you’re living with PCOS, I highly recommend attending this year’s conference. It’s an opportunity to learn, grow, and connect with a community that truly understands what you’re going through.

Much Love,


May 2024


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