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Vegan PCOS Relief

PCOS Relief,

reduce fatigue, manage your weight, and lose the facial hair without a cabinet of pills, crazy diets, or unhealthy time at the gym.

  • Convenient, Slim, Easy To Swallow Pills

  • Cinnamon Smell & Vegan Capsule

  • Created by a Nurse with PCOS


See why thousands of women choose PolyC's


Alleviate cramps, acne, and mood swings , Reduce Facial Hair

7-Day Return

We accept returns within 7 days if there is any defect

Damage Compensation

We will compensate or exchange in case you receive a defective order

Expert Customer Service

We offer 24/7 phone and chat support to help with all questions

PCOS Support

Because ingredients matter, PolyC's uses the top 4 most beneficial vitamins for PCOS

Say "goodbye"to Metformin

Reduce Facial Hair

Fade Dark Spots

No More Cramps

Ovulate, Naturally


20,843  "Cysters" love our products

See what others are saying

Proud To Be Praised By OBGYN'S 

“ My Doctor wanted me on a list of vitamins & Metormin. He recommded PolyC's at OBGYN South

"Last year my A1C was 46 and now it's at 20. I also don't enjoy sugar anymore. I showed my doctor the bottle and she said 'thats perfect"

"My doctor at Decatur Morgan OBGYN said that she would like some samples, she was very impressed by what I was taking"


Benefits are seen in 3-6 months


• Each Bottle is a month supply

• Clear, Vegan Capsules
• Slim, easy to swallow or open capsules
• No Odor


  1. Inositol - Helps with Insulin Sensitivity
  2. D Chiro Inositol- Improves Ovulation
  3. Folate- Improves Skin & Mood Stabilizer
  4. Cinnamon- Better Metabolism & Reduces Bloating
  • Vitamin Metformin

  •  Increase Metabolism, Lose the Bloat

  • Better Sleep & Energy

  • Reduces Facial Hair

Your Questions, Answered.

Still have questions? Email us at

How to take it ?

Take 4 capsules with breakfast. Capsules may be opened and poured into a hot or cold beverage if needed. Skipping breakfast may worsen PCOS symptoms 

Can I take this with other RX?

Yes, you can safely combine with other RX. Always consult your MD before starting any new supplements. Do not combine PolyC's with other supplements with the same ingredients. 

You may safely combine with Metformin & Birth Control. 

Any side effects?

Yes, thousands of women have reported weight loss and increased libido. Our supplement does not provide the awful effects similar to Metormin.

How long should I take PolyC's? 

PolyC's is safely designed for long term use. It generally takes at least 3 months of daily use to notice menstrual benefits & at least 6 months to notice skin and hair benefits. PolyC's may improve egg quality in 6 weeks. 

By Jessica Harrison
Sep 13, 2024

September is PCOS Awareness Month—a time dedicated to raising awareness about polycystic ovary syndrome, a condition that affects millions of women worldwide and myself. As a nurse and advocate for women’s health, this month holds a special place in my heart. It's an opportunity to educate, empower, and encourage women to take control of their health. Our goal is to help you not feel alone, we want to bring a sense of community. 

This year, I had the pleasure of attending the PCOS Conference in Arlington, Virginia, where we came together to share the latest information, research, and resources on managing PCOS. It was a truly inspiring event that highlighted the importance of awareness, education, and support for women dealing with this condition. This marked our third time participating as a vendor, following previous conferences in Texas and California. Each experience has been unique and rewarding, and this year's event was no exception. We enjoyed outstanding food & conversation.

 The Importance of PCOS Awareness Month

PCOS is one of the most common hormonal disorders among women of reproductive age, affecting an estimated 1 in 10 women. Despite its prevalence, it often goes undiagnosed or misdiagnosed, leaving many women without the support and treatment they need. PCOS Awareness Month aims to change that by shining a light on the symptoms, treatments, and the latest research surrounding this complex condition.

During September, organizations, healthcare providers, and advocates work together to spread the word about PCOS. From social media campaigns to community events and educational sessions, every effort counts in raising awareness and providing valuable information to those who need it most.

 Highlights from the PCOS Conference in Arlington, Virginia

The conference in Arlington was a remarkable gathering of healthcare professionals, researchers, advocates, and vendors—all united by a common goal: to improve the lives of women with PCOS. We had the honor of listening to some excellent speakers who discussed various aspects of PCOS, including symptoms, insulin resistance, and innovative approaches to management.

One of the key topics was the role of insulin resistance in PCOS. Many women with PCOS experience insulin resistance, which can contribute to weight gain, increased androgen levels, and difficulties with ovulation. The speakers provided valuable insights into how lifestyle changes, dietary modifications, and supplements can help improve insulin sensitivity and reduce the impact of PCOS symptoms. If you struggle with insulin resistance, our formula was created with you in mind!

PolyC’s Commitment to PCOS Advocacy and Support

As a women-owned brand, PolyC's is passionate about advocating for women’s health and empowering women to make informed decisions about their bodies. Our participation in these conferences is more than just an opportunity to showcase our products; it's a chance to connect with women, hear their stories, and provide support in their journey toward better health.

PolyC’s Premium PCOS supplement was developed with a deep understanding of the challenges faced by women with PCOS. Our special formula combines cinnamon and Ovasitol to create a unique blend that targets some of the most common symptoms associated with PCOS. Cinnamon has been shown to help with blood sugar regulation, while Ovasitol, a combination of Myo-Inositol and D-Chiro Inositol, supports hormonal balance and insulin sensitivity. Together, these ingredients provide a comprehensive approach to managing PCOS naturally.

At the conference, we were able to speak directly with attendees about the benefits of our formula. Many women were excited to learn about a natural supplement that could potentially help them manage their symptoms without the side effects often associated with prescription medications. It was incredibly rewarding to see the positive response and to know that we are making a difference in the lives of so many women.

Previous Conferences in Texas and California

This year’s event in Arlington was our third conference as a vendor, and each experience has been a valuable learning opportunity. Our previous appearances in Texas and California allowed us to connect with diverse groups of women, each with their unique stories and experiences with PCOS.

In Texas, we encountered many women who were struggling with the emotional and physical toll of PCOS. They expressed frustration with the lack of information and support available to them. Our conversations there reinforced the importance of our mission—to not only provide effective products but also to be a source of reliable information and support.

California brought a different set of experiences. We met women who were already well-versed in managing their PCOS through diet and lifestyle changes but were looking for that extra boost to help with stubborn symptoms. They were particularly interested in our use of cinnamon and Ovasitol, which resonated with those seeking natural, research-backed solutions.

These conferences have been invaluable in helping us understand the needs of the PCOS community and refine our approach. Each interaction serves as a reminder of why we do what we do, and we are committed to continuing our journey of advocacy and education.

As we look forward to more conferences and opportunities to spread awareness about PCOS, we remain dedicated to our mission of helping women advocate for their health. PCOS Awareness Month is just the beginning—our commitment to supporting women with PCOS continues year-round.

We believe that every woman deserves to feel empowered and informed when it comes to her health. That’s why we will continue to participate in events, engage with the community, and provide resources that make a difference. Our goal is to reach as many women as possible, providing them with the tools they need to take control of their PCOS and live healthier, happier lives.

Why PCOS Awareness Matters

Raising awareness about PCOS is crucial because it helps to break down the stigma and misconceptions surrounding this condition. Many women with PCOS feel isolated or misunderstood, often struggling to get the support they need from healthcare providers, family, and friends. By increasing awareness, we can foster a more supportive environment where women feel comfortable seeking help and sharing their experiences.

Education is also a key component of PCOS awareness. Understanding the symptoms, risk factors, and available treatment options empowers women to make informed decisions about their health. It also encourages early diagnosis, which is critical for managing symptoms and preventing complications such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and infertility.

 How You Can Get Involved

PCOS Awareness Month is a collective effort, and there are many ways you can get involved:

1. **Educate Yourself and Others:** Learn about PCOS and share your knowledge with friends, family, and your community. The more people know about PCOS, the better equipped we are to support those affected by it.

2. **Participate in Events:** Look for local or virtual events during PCOS Awareness Month. Whether it's a conference, webinar, or social media campaign, your participation helps spread the word.

3. **Advocate for Yourself:** If you have PCOS, be your own advocate. Seek out healthcare providers who understand PCOS and can provide the support and treatment you need. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or seek a second opinion.

4. **Support PCOS Organizations:** Consider donating to or volunteering with organizations that support PCOS research, education, and advocacy. Every contribution helps make a difference!


PCOS Awareness Month is a powerful reminder of the strength and resilience of women with PCOS. It’s a time to come together, share knowledge, and support one another in the journey toward better health. At PolyC's, we are proud to be a part of this movement, and we look forward to continuing our work in raising awareness, providing education, and supporting women every step of the way.

As we reflect on this year’s conference in Arlington and our previous experiences in Texas and California, we are filled with gratitude for the opportunity to connect with so many incredible women. We are inspired by your stories, your courage, and your commitment to taking control of your health. Together, we can continue to make a difference—one woman, one conversation, and one conference at a time.


September 7, 2024


Arlington, VA 

By Jessica Harrison
Aug 26, 2024

 Recently, I had the privilege of witnessing firsthand how a doctor at OBGYN South recommended a natural solution to one of our patients struggling with PCOS—a solution that made a remarkable difference in just two weeks.

 A Patient’s Journey with PCOS

Our patient, let's call her Sarah, came to us frustrated and exhausted by the relentless symptoms of PCOS. She had been dealing with facial hair growth, an insatiable appetite, and insomnia. These symptoms were not only physically taxing but were also affecting her mental health and quality of life. Sarah had tried various treatments, but nothing seemed to bring her the relief she desperately needed.

During her consultation, Dr. "D," a respected OBGYN at a clinic in Birmingham, AL, listened attentively to Sarah’s concerns. After reviewing her medical history and considering her symptoms, Dr. "D" recommended a supplement known for its effectiveness in managing PCOS symptoms naturally, PolyC's Premium PCOS

Why PolyC’s Premium PCOS?

Dr. "D" chose PolyC's Premium PCOS because it contains the top four most effective vitamins for women with PCOS—Inositol, D-Chiro Inositol, Folate, and Cinnamon—all in a clear, vegan capsule. These ingredients are known to support hormonal balance, improve insulin sensitivity, and reduce inflammation, which are crucial for managing PCOS.

1. **Inositol and D-Chiro Inositol**: These compounds are vital for improving insulin sensitivity, which is often impaired in women with PCOS. By enhancing the body's response to insulin, these vitamins help reduce symptoms like weight gain and cravings, which can lead to a more stable appetite.

2. **Folate**: Folate is essential for women with PCOS, especially those trying to conceive. It supports healthy cell growth and may improve the body's ability to manage insulin.

3. **Metformin**: While PolyC's Premium PCOS is a natural supplement, it works well alongside Metformin, a medication that Sarah was already taking to manage her insulin levels. Her MD wants her to combine her Metformin & PolyC's alongside with a healthy lifestyle.

4. **Cinnamon**: Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, cinnamon can help lower inflammation markers, which are typically elevated in women with PCOS. This reduction in inflammation can contribute to a decrease in symptoms such as facial hair growth. Cinnamon has been proven by the National Institute of Health as the 'vitamin version of metformin". You can find this study here within our list of blogs. Cinnamon is a great way to reduce bloating and increase your metabolism.

 Sarah’s Transformation

Sarah began taking PolyC's Premium PCOS as recommended by Dr. "D." Within just two weeks, she returned to our clinic with noticeable improvements. She reported having better energy levels, which was a significant relief after months of feeling fatigued. Her appetite had stabilized, making it easier for her to manage her weight. And while facial hair growth takes time to reverse, Sarah felt hopeful and encouraged by the progress she was experiencing.

Dr. "D" was thrilled with Sarah’s progress and emphasized the importance of consistency in taking the supplement. The doctor also reminded Sarah that while PolyC's Premium PCOS was helping to manage her symptoms, it was essential to maintain a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and continue with her prescribed medication.
A Nurse’s Perspective

As a nurse, it's incredibly rewarding to see a patient like Sarah find relief through a natural supplement. PolyC's Premium PCOS not only provided her with the vitamins she needed but also empowered her to take control of her health in a way that felt manageable and sustainable.

For women with PCOS who are struggling with symptoms like facial hair, appetite changes, and insomnia, I highly recommend discussing PolyC's Premium PCOS with your healthcare provider. Just like Sarah, you might find that this vegan supplement is the key to feeling more energized, balanced, and in control of your symptoms.

Remember, every woman's journey with PCOS is unique, and it's important to work closely with your healthcare team to find the best treatment plan for you. If you're interested in learning more about PolyC's Premium PCOS, don't hesitate to reach out to your OBGYN or visit our clinic.

By Jessica Harrison
Aug 21, 2024

As a nurse with firsthand experience of living with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), I understand the constant battle many women face in managing this complex condition. The journey through PCOS is often filled with frustration and trial-and-error, particularly when it comes to finding treatments that offer real relief. While the medical community continues to explore various therapies, one emerging tool that's gaining traction is red light therapy. This non-invasive, readily accessible treatment is now being offered at many gyms and spas, and it's showing promise in addressing some of the core issues associated with PCOS, such as insulin resistance and inflammation.

 Understanding PCOS and Its Challenges

PCOS is a hormonal disorder that affects millions of women worldwide. It's characterized by a variety of symptoms, including irregular menstrual cycles, excess hair growth, acne, and weight gain. One of the underlying issues in PCOS is insulin resistance, which can lead to higher levels of insulin in the body. This excess insulin can increase androgen production, exacerbating symptoms like hirsutism and acne.

Another significant challenge in PCOS is chronic inflammation. Women with PCOS often have higher levels of inflammatory markers in their blood, contributing to the overall symptom burden and increasing the risk of long-term health issues like cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.

Traditional treatments for PCOS typically include lifestyle modifications, medications, and sometimes surgical interventions. While these treatments can be effective, they don't always address the underlying issues, and many women continue to struggle with persistent symptoms. This is where red light therapy comes into play as a complementary approach.

 What is Red Light Therapy?

Red light therapy is a treatment that uses specific wavelengths of red and near-infrared light to penetrate the skin and stimulate various biological processes. The therapy has been studied for its potential benefits in a wide range of conditions, from skin rejuvenation and wound healing to reducing pain and inflammation. For your first session always ask for assistance.

In the context of PCOS, red light therapy's ability to enhance cellular function and reduce inflammation makes it a promising option for managing some of the syndrome's more challenging symptoms.

How Red Light Therapy May Help Women with PCOS

1. Improving Insulin Sensitivity

Insulin resistance is one of the worst issues in PCOS. When the body's cells don't respond effectively to insulin, it can lead to higher levels of insulin in the bloodstream, which in turn can worsen PCOS symptoms. Research suggests that red light therapy may improve insulin sensitivity by enhancing the function of mitochondria, the energy-producing components of our cells. Better mitochondrial function can lead to improved glucose uptake by cells, thereby reducing insulin resistance.

For women with PCOS, this improvement in insulin sensitivity can translate to more stable blood sugar levels, less androgen production, and potentially a reduction in symptoms like acne and weight gain. It's a win win! Are you getting excited yet?

2. Reducing Inflammation

Chronic inflammation is another hallmark of PCOS. Elevated inflammatory markers can exacerbate symptoms and increase the risk of developing other health conditions. Red light therapy has been shown to reduce inflammation by decreasing the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and promoting the activity of anti-inflammatory cytokines.

By lowering inflammation, red light therapy may help alleviate some of the systemic symptoms of PCOS, such as fatigue, mood swings, and the risk of developing metabolic syndrome.

3. Supporting Hormonal Balance

While more research is needed, there is some evidence to suggest that red light therapy could support hormonal balance by influencing the production of key hormones involved in PCOS. For example, studies have shown that red light therapy can modulate the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep-wake cycles and has been linked to reproductive health. Improved sleep and circadian rhythm regulation can have a positive impact on hormonal balance, which is often disrupted in women with PCOS. With PCOS, we often struggle with insomnia so this is great news!

4. Enhancing Mood and Mental Well-being

Living with PCOS can take a toll on mental health. The stress of managing symptoms, coupled with the hormonal imbalances, can lead to anxiety, depression, and mood swings. Red light therapy has been studied for its effects on mental health, particularly in reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety. By boosting the production of serotonin and endorphins, red light therapy may help improve mood and enhance overall mental well-being, providing a much-needed boost for women dealing with the emotional challenges of PCOS.

 Practical Considerations: Accessing Red Light Therapy

One of the great advantages of red light therapy is its accessibility. Many gyms, spas, and wellness centers now offer red light therapy sessions, making it easy for women with PCOS to incorporate this treatment into their routine. Sessions typically last between 10 to 20 minutes and can be done in a standing booth, lying down on a bed, or using a handheld device.

When considering red light therapy, it's important to consult with a healthcare provider to ensure it's a suitable option for your specific needs. While red light therapy is generally considered safe, individual responses can vary, and it's essential to use the therapy as part of a comprehensive treatment plan that includes lifestyle modifications, dietary changes, and other medical interventions as needed.

 The Future of Red Light Therapy in PCOS Management

As more research is conducted, the potential of red light therapy in managing PCOS symptoms continues to grow. While it may not be a standalone solution, its ability to address key issues like insulin resistance and inflammation makes it a valuable tool in the broader management of PCOS.

For women struggling with the complexities of PCOS, red light therapy offers a new avenue of hope. By incorporating this therapy into a well-rounded treatment plan, it may be possible to gain better control over symptoms, improve overall health, and enhance quality of life.

In conclusion, while PCOS remains a challenging condition to manage, emerging therapies like red light therapy provide promising options for relief. As a nurse and fellow PCOS warrior, I encourage you to explore all available treatment options and work closely with your healthcare team to find the best strategies for your unique needs. Red light therapy, with its ability to improve insulin sensitivity, reduce inflammation, and support hormonal balance, may just be the missing piece with your PolyC's regimen!
By Jessica Harrison
Aug 17, 2024

Living with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) can feel like an uphill battle. The symptoms, which range from weight gain to unwanted facial hair, can significantly impact a woman's self-esteem and overall quality of life. While many treatments are available, finding a natural remedy that aligns with a holistic lifestyle can be challenging. Enter PolyC’s Premium PCOS—a vegan, doctor-approved supplement designed to provide relief from some of the most frustrating symptoms of PCOS.

 Understanding PCOS and Its Symptoms

PCOS is a hormonal disorder common among women of reproductive age. It is characterized by irregular menstrual cycles, the presence of cysts on the ovaries, and elevated levels of androgens (male hormones). These hormonal imbalances often lead to symptoms like weight gain, acne, thinning hair, and excessive facial and body hair.

Weight gain and facial hair are particularly distressing for many women with PCOS. The weight gain associated with PCOS is often linked to insulin resistance, a condition where the body’s cells don’t respond normally to insulin, leading to higher insulin levels and more fat storage. Meanwhile, the excess facial hair, known as hirsutism, is caused by elevated androgen levels, which stimulate hair growth in areas where men typically grow

The Natural Approach: PolyC’s Premium PCOS

PolyC’s Premium PCOS offers a natural solution to managing these symptoms. This supplement is a carefully formulated blend of ingredients known for their beneficial effects on hormonal balance, particularly for women with PCOS.

 Inositol & D-Chiro Inositol
Inositol, particularly in the form of Myo-Inositol and D-Chiro Inositol, is a key ingredient in PolyC’s Premium PCOS. These compounds are known for their ability to improve insulin sensitivity, which can help regulate blood sugar levels and reduce insulin resistance—a primary cause of weight gain in women with PCOS. By improving insulin sensitivity, Inositol can also aid in weight management, making it easier to maintain a healthy weight.

Folate is another critical component of this supplement. It plays a vital role in reproductive health and has been shown to support metabolic processes, which can be beneficial in managing weight. Folate also supports overall hormone health, helping to reduce the imbalance that leads to symptoms like facial hair.

Cinnamon has long been celebrated for its ability to stabilize blood sugar levels. For women with PCOS, this is particularly important as it can help control insulin levels, thereby reducing one of the primary drivers of weight gain. Additionally, cinnamon has anti-androgenic properties, meaning it can help reduce the levels of male hormones in the body, potentially minimizing the growth of facial hair.

Additionally, PolyC’s Premium PCOS is designed to be a comprehensive solution for managing PCOS symptoms. By targeting the root causes—hormonal imbalances and insulin resistance—this supplement helps to address multiple symptoms simultaneously, offering a more balanced and sustainable approach to managing PCOS.

PCOS doesn’t have to control your life. With the right support, you can manage your symptoms and reclaim your well-being. PolyC’s Premium PCOS is here to help you on that journey, offering a natural, effective solution to some of the most challenging symptoms of PCOS.

If you’re struggling with the weight gain and facial hair associated with PCOS, consider adding PolyC’s Premium PCOS to your daily regimen. This natural supplement offers a holistic approach to managing PCOS symptoms, helping you find relief and regain control of your health. Always consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new supplement to ensure it’s the right fit for your individual needs.


******In 2024 alone, PolyC's has been instrumental in helping over 700 women conceive their rainbow babies.


The benefits of PolyC's premium inositol blend are extensive and unique. Designed to support and foster optimal hormonal balance, this supplement has a broad range of advantages that make it an ideal addition to your health regimen. Here's why:

Clinically Proven PCOS Support: PolyC's 40:1 Myo-Inositol and D Chiro Inositol Blend is designed to support hormone regulation, helping you regain control over your menstrual cycles and enhance fertility while providing relief from the symptoms of PCOS

Fertility and Conception Aid: For women seeking to boost their reproductive health, this supplement aids in improving ovarian function. It can be a beneficial tool for those experiencing fertility issues. Our Fertility focused ingredients are specifically chosen to support ovarian health, improve egg quality and enhance your chances of conception naturally. 

Natual Weight Management: Combat PCOS-related weight gain with PolyC's Premium PCOS. Our unique formula, enriched with organic cinnamon bark and Folate, aids in Metabolism Support and Weight Loss, Making it easier for you to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. 

All-Natural Ingredients: We believe in using only the best ingredients. Our blend is all-natural, making it safe and healthy for regular consumption.

Reduces Acne & Unwanted Hair: Say Goodbye to Androgen-related issues like acne and unwanted hair growth. Our powerful supplement acts as a natural Androgen Blocker, promoting Clearer and smoother skin.

Clear, Veggie Capsule: For those with dietary restrictions, our veggie capsules are a suitable option. The clear capsules allow you to see exactly what you're consuming - a quality, all-natural blend.

High-Quality, Research-Based Vitamins: Every vitamin in our blend is research-backed. This means that each one has been extensively studied and proven to provide health benefits.

Dye Free & Gluten Free: Free from artificial dyes and gluten, this supplement is ideal for individuals with specific dietary needs or allergies.

GMP Certified: Our products are GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) certified, indicating the high standards we maintain in our manufacturing processes.

Nurse Created, MD Approved: Our blend is not just a random concoction of vitamins. It's been created by professional nurses and approved by doctors, making it a trusted choice.

At its core, PolyC's superior inositol blend provides an all-natural, holistic solution for hormone regulation, reproductive wellness, and fertility enhancement. This formula reflects our unwavering commitment to delivering quality, effective, and safe solutions for our users.







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POLY-C Single Bottle of PCOS Relief

Single Bottle (30 Servings) / We recommend using for 3-6mo to see results

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