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Understanding PCOS Symptoms

Understanding PCOS Symptoms

Written by Jessica Harrison
Understanding PCOS symptoms is crucial to managing this common hormonal disorder that affects 1 in 5 women. Learn about signs and symptoms from a nurse who struggled with PCOS before creating PolyC's Premium PCOS- Amazon's Choice for Best PCOS Supplement. 
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The Best PCOS Treatment for PCOS Symptoms

The Best PCOS Treatment for PCOS Symptoms

Written by Jessica Harrison
Living with PCOS can be challenging, but there are ways to manage the symptoms and improve your q...
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Being a PCOS Advocate for Health and PCOS Awareness

Being a PCOS Advocate for Health and PCOS Awareness

Written by Jessica Harrison
Have you ever faced challenges with your PCOS that seemed impossible?  Meet Jessica, a Registered...
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How to lose weight with PCOS

How to lose weight with PCOS

Written by Jessica Harrison
Living with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) can make weight loss feel like an uphill battle. T...
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Appetizers, Salads, and Sides for PCOS

Appetizers, Salads and sides for PCOS

Written by Jessica Harrison
Appetizers, Salads, Recipes and Sides for PCOS.Lettuce Wraps Sweet potato fries Bell Peppers with...
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PolyC's & strawberries for PCOS

Strawberries for PCOS

Written by Jessica Harrison
Are you looking to improve your fertility naturally? Look no further than strawberries and PolyC'...
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Best Oil & Fats for PCOS

Best Oils & Fats for PCOS

Written by Jessica Harrison
Oils and FatsOils may be used for cooking or as salad dressings. Acceptable oils includeolive, co...
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Tips for choosing safe & high-quality PCOS Supplements

Tips for choosing safe & high-quality PCOS Supplements

Written by Jessica Harrison
Choosing safe and high-quality supplements for managing PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) is cruci...
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PCOS Entree Ideas

PCOS Entree Ideas

Written by Jessica Harrison
PCOS Meal Ideas Entrees Lasagna (replace noodles with sliced eggplant and zucchini) Steak and sau...
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Amazon's Choice for Best PCOS Supplement

Amazon's Choice for Best PCOS Supplement

Written by Jessica Harrison
It's not surprise to see PolyC's as Amazon's Choice for Best PCOS supplement! For us, achieving t...
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What risks do women have with PCOS?

What risks do women have with PCOS?

Written by Jessica Harrison
Lack of ovulation in women with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) results in continous exposure ...
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How is PCOS diagnosed?

How is PCOS diagnosed?

Written by Jessica Harrison
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal disorder that affects 1 in 5 women. The dia...
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I needed something to work for my PCOS

I needed something to work for my PCOS

Written by Jessica Harrison
Hi! I'm a nurse that has polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). I have struggled with it for over 17...
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Best supplements for PCOS 2023

Best supplements for PCOS 2023

Written by Jessica Harrison
Have you tried other supplements & vitamins for PCOS and felt disappointed? PolyC's uses safe...
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Lets talk about facial hair from PCOS!

Lets talk about facial hair from PCOS!

Written by Jessica Harrison
  Understanding and Managing facial hair with PCOS: Today, I want to share a topic that is close ...
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When to take PolyC's

When to take PolyC's

Written by Jessica Harrison
PolyC's is a supplement that contains a combination of myo-inositol and D-chiro-inositol, two for...
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When does infertility occur?

When does infertility occur?

Written by Jessica Harrison
Infertility is a term used to describe the inability to conceive after trying for one year or mor...
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Can PCOS cause a miscarriage?

Can PCOS cause a miscarriage?

Written by Jessica Harrison
Wanna know why PCOS can lead to a high rate of miscarriage? It's a hormonal disorder that mess...
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Foods to avoid with PCOS in 2023.

Foods to avoid with PCOS in 2023.

Written by Jessica Harrison
Alright, y'all, listen up! If you've got PCOS, there are some foods you might wanna ste...
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Can a hysterectomy cure PCOS?

Can a hysterectomy cure PCOS?

Written by Jessica Harrison
No, a hysterectomy cannot cure PCOS because PCOS is a hormonal disorder that affects the ovaries ...
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What is PCOS?

What is PCOS?

Written by Jessica Harrison
PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) is a hormonal disorder that affects women of reproductive age. I...
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How to Get Pregnant with PCOS Quickly: The Role of PolyCs Premium PCOS

How to Get Pregnant with PCOS Quickly: The Role of PolyCs Premium PCOS

Written by Jessica Harrison
One of the most challenging aspects of PCOS is the difficulty in getting pregnant, which can be emotionally devastating for those who want to start a family.
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The Emotional Journey of Managing PCOS with PolyC's Supplement

The Emotional Journey of Managing PCOS with PolyC's Supplement

Written by Jessica Harrison
After struggling with infertility for 5 years, I felt led to create a supplement to help other women with PCOS.
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Cinnamon versus Metformin

Cinnamon versus Metformin

Written by Jessica Harrison

A study comparing the effects of cinnamon has shown  promising results for cinnamon to be a healthy alternative to Metformin. Cinnamon can help reduce weight and insulin resistance.

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Evidence Based Formula

Evidence Based Formula

Written by Jessica Harrison
PolyC’s contains the top 4 most beneficial vitamins for PCOS!
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Ovulate Naturally

Ovulate Naturally

Written by Jessica Harrison
Ovulate Naturally!
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Written by Jessica Harrison
Take 4 capsules daily with breakfast. Capsules may be opened if needed. Capsules may be opened an...
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MD approved!

MD approved!

Written by Jessica Harrison
Evidence-based formula in a clear, veggie capsule
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PolyC’s helped 500 women conceive in 2023

PolyC’s helped 500 women conceive in 2023

Written by Jessica Harrison
PolyC’s may increase fertility and improve egg quality. Improving egg quality can prevent miscarr...
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